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Campfire Brownies In An Orange

Writer's picture: TheCampervanBible AdminTheCampervanBible Admin

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

Easy bake chocolate orange brownies the whole family can make!


  • At least 1 orange per camper (a few extras would be good for “seconds”

  • Brownie or cake mix – For brownie mix you will get approx. 8 – 10 desserts. Cake mix will yield approx. 12 – 16 desserts.

  • 1 sharp knife (to cut the oranges)

  • Sturdy soup spoons

  • Heavy-duty foil wrap


1. Cut the top off the orange – about 1/3 way down. (adults should to this)

2. Let the kids use sturdy soup spoons to scoop out the inside of the orange – careful not to rip or puncture the orange peel ** This will be messy, but it is a fun part of the activity for the kids – so be ready with paper towels and wet wipes.

3. While the kids are scooping out the oranges – mix the brownie mix, per pkg. directions*

4. Let the kids fill their own oranges – approx. 2/3 full

5. Place orange cap back on top and, while keeping orange upright, wrap orange in heavy-duty foil (as shown). *a couple layers works best. And the “curly-cue” top serves as an easy way to pull oranges from hot coals

6. Place finished wraps in a bed of coals, (not on flaming campfire), and cover until it is a mound of hot coals with just the “curly-cue” sticking out.

7. Approx. cooking time is 20 – 25 minutes, but this is variable depending on size of oranges and quality of hot coals – so check after 20 minutes to see if done

8. Remove from coals and let sit a few minutes for the foil to cool to touch – then let the kids unwrap their own orange-baked brownies – and dig in!

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